We can help you to capitalise on your business by increasing the clarity, professionalism and impact of all your written communications – website content, press releases, blogs, letters, reports and business plans.
We’ll edit your content to ensure it’s jargon-free and suitable for the people who will read it, whether that’s your clients, or even colleagues from other areas of your own organisation. Plain English Copy Editing
We specialise in:
- Editing and restructuring
- Rewriting and refreshing
- Condensing and expanding
- Improving the tone of voice
Customer focused
When we edit your documents, we read from your customers’ point of view, advising objectively on points such as:
- offensive, insensitive or harsh wording
- the inclusion of jargon and technical terms
- unnecessary words or phrases
Cost effective
By re-drafting into plain English, offering constructive advice and removing jargon:
- we can reduce documents to a fraction of their original size, saving on paper, ink, print and postage costs
- you reduce the amount of time spent explaining documents that are not clear to begin with
- you may get business from new clients who couldn’t understand your business in the past
Environmentally friendly
Less text means less paper – fewer trees are needed, and there is less wastage!
And… by training your employees to write more effectively in plain English, we can help you to improve customer service and quality standards. Our popular Plain English Training Workshop: Plain English business writing skills
If you’d like us to create keyword-rich content or edit your existing blogs, articles, website pages, reports – or whatever else you’ve written that’s important, please get in touch. As a guide, the fee is £100 per 250 words, but we quote individually for content writing projects.