Using social media in a personal context can still lead to business opportunities, if it’s handled sensibly. And nothing happens by chance, so we
Horrible hackers, big bums and artisan food all over the place
I spent Monday morning working in the Hoxton Hotel – in fact, I think I mentioned that in last week’s blog. What I didn’t realise at the time was
Hats off to social media, aiming high and sunrise over the ocean
I love love love Vegas!! There are no two ways about it, and advising one of the stores in a premier shopping mall on social media issues was almost a
LinkedIn photos, squidgy cakes and £1billion of business
£1,000,000,000 worth of business… Wow!! That’s a lot of money coming in. I’ve mentioned Fit for Legacy (FFL) before; it’s the organisation based in
Eight voices, Billy Joel and inspiration from a triple amputee
‘Eight voices, one story' is an upcoming audio visual exhibition that celebrates the achievements of eight military superheroes who have overcome
Social media for designers, not doing maths and helping you win awards
Wednesday was such fun! Dieneke runs an organisation called Hidden Art, turning passion into products by providing advice and support to designers,
Joint ventures, laughing out loud & special rate LinkedIn training
I did something last week that is still making me laugh when I think about it. I have to face facts: I need reading glasses. I had a meeting with
Media royalty, gone to the dogs and a ruined sex life
This week’s feature on me in the local paper’s business section is a great improvement on last time. It doesn’t quite paint me as the next Martha Lane
Corporate branding, inappropriate behaviour and following the dream
A weird thing came over me on Tuesday: I had a sudden urge to clear out my wardrobes in the middle of my working day. Trancelike, I climbed the