I’ve spent a couple of hours this week chatting to people on an on-line forum. (Or is it ‘in’ the forum – I’m not sure!) It’s different to chatting on Facebook as people are totally focused on their reason for being there and their end goal. And it’s interesting to see the level of passion people bring to the table. Strange how a stranger can open new doors and, stranger still, how it doesn’t seem strange at all. Strange!
I held two one-to-one social media training sessions this week with people who are completely passionate about their work. Nik’s an award winning architect with a lust for creating increasingly innovative buildings, and Christine is a hypnotherapist: ridding people of their Achilles heel so they can bounce forward with a Tigger-like spring.
Both businesses thrive on developing a creative approach to making people’s lives easier and happier: Nik by designing beautiful, accessible buildings and Christine by creating an internal environment that lets people deal with issues that are blocking them in business or in life. Both, in their own ways, make people feel on top of the world!
And I was up there last week – twice! Maybe not right at the top of the world but definitely high enough to lord it over London with a lychee martini and a thick wedge of Brie. Dr Patrick arrived from Mexico to undertake a three-year medical project here. We met at Bank with plans of coffee and lunch and ended up after dark at the elegant Vertigo Bar, shooting 42 storeys into the night sky with fabulous panoramic views over London.
Two days later I wasn’t quite so high – but 29 storeys above the river, the Sky Bar at Milbank still afforded impressive views of the city. The CBI’s launch of plans to improve public services was interesting, and the bar provided some of the best canapés I’ve been offered at a networking event this year. I didn’t drop any food, spill any drink or trip over anyone, so that’s always a good start at a business event!
Lots of people have asked me to post pics from Halloween, so here’s one. Not all that interesting – there’s no evidence of falling off the broomstick, transforming princes into frogs or kissing zombies. If any of that actually happened, I can assure you that photos would be kept far, far from any social media… 🙂 What I can tell you is that the pumpkin soup turned out well this year and the family-sized tin of Celebrations that sat by the candlelit front door was empty by midnight.
There’s no point trying to write something original about ‘Remember remember the fifth of November’ when Katy Perry oh-so-wisely says: “You don’t have to feel like a wasted space; you’re original, cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds: after a hurricane comes a rainbow.”
Show your originality with an updated LinkedIn headline. It’s true that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but a strong social media presence can guarantee you a positive step forward and help your business to rocket like a firework. “Come on let your colours burst!” Let me know if you need a guiding hand…. @WeekendWitch.
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