When my friend Robert wrote Diamond Lights for the football duo Hoddle and Waddle he probably had no idea that it would go on to be recorded by a host of celebrities over the next couple of decades. The latest incantation is by two TalkSPORT presenters, Andy Goldstein and Jason Cundy, and aims to raise a whole load of dosh for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).
Now, not being a sports fan I hadn’t heard of the radio station’s dynamic duo, but I definitely know GOSH, having stayed there for a few weeks with my son following his stroke. So I’m very pleased to help promote this fantastic single! You can watch it here on TalkSport’s website or go straight to iTunes to download it. It’s fab!!!
Robert and I met on Twitter. We tweeted, we chatted, we facebooked, we linked in on Linkedin and finally, we met – and we’ve been friends ever since. Long standing friends and family though I’d gone bonkers when I announced that a stranger I’d met on twitter was coming to my home for dinner, but he turned out to be not an axe murderer at all.
There is obviously a clear line that you shouldn’t cross on social media though. After all, we’re constantly fed horror stories of dating disasters, professional-appearing businesses that turn out to be as dodgy as Del and terrifying stories from around the globe. But, with a little common sense, it’s perfectly possible to create solid relationships on-line. Just please stay aware…
Whether Robert thinks I’m completely nuts is another story. He came over once to give Ben a masterclass in songwriting and I gave a rendition of Fleetwood Mac in my dreadful tone-deaf voice; it’s enough to make anyone retreat quickly into the relatively safer world of online chat.
This week brings four parties – three for Christmas and one for Geoff, who is leaving his job after about 30 years. We met in 1988 when I worked in recruitment and supplied staff for his enormous team at the local council. He later employed me as the Plain English Consultant to train local government staff to write clearly, without jargon and in a way ordinary people could understand. That contract set me on the road to starting my own business, so I have a lot to thank Geoff for! (Thank you Geoff!)
As I’m typing this I’m remembering a Christmas party where Geoff was recovering from knee surgery. Forgetting about that, I dragged him onto the dance floor and, being too much of a gentleman to complain, he limp danced in agony. (Sorry Geoff!) Someone mentioned yesterday that my whole working life seems to have been one big party… can’t complain about that!
That particular party was many moons ago, but my delightful voice was on show there too, as I sang back-up for Carol in front of 150 bemused clients. And I do still remember the song!! “They say our love won’t pay the rent, before it’s earned our money’s all been spent…”
If your love’s not paying the rent and you’d like a business boost in 2015 to increase your visibility across the web, call me today for a chat. We can talk about running a sparkling social media management campaign for the new year. My number is 020 8551 7077, or you can tweet me: @WeekendWitch.
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