It’s strange how much we’re able to put away over the holiday period, isn’t it? Food, I mean – not putting away in the tidying up sense. I’ve gained about half a stone in the last couple of weeks, so a detox and chocolate abstinence is on its way. Not yet though. I’m also considering actually riding the bike I bought six weeks ago – it’s still messing up my kitchen but looking nice and lilacky, if rather useless.
In terms of tidying up, I’ll do it sometime soon… Five hours of taking down trees and decorations yesterday was my limit really. Although I have spent a few hours this morning tidying up my business plans for 2015. Well, if we don’t plan, we don’t achieve – right? In previous years I’ve written down my goals and ticked off each one with my purple pen as I completed it. Book published, tick; masters degree, tick, develop training side of my social media business, tick, blah blah blah, tick tick tick…

But for some reason, last year started a bit topsy-turvey and I never put pen to paper to set those targets. I did some wonderful things though, and reflecting on the list of what I achieved – or learned – makes me smile – so how much more awesome could it have been if I’d set my goals properly at the start?! Ihelp other people set their busines goals, so it’s a bit like the shoemaker with the rubbish shoes… The shoemaker should have the sparkly shoes!! (I have the sparkly shoes – they’re turquoise.)
So what are you planning for this year? If increased marketing is on your agenda there are various social media strategies you can follow to gain excellent results. Facebook marketing is hitting hard and there is still a buzz around Pinterest. If you’re a hot shot with the camera you can pick up a strong following on Instagram. Let me know if you’d like to find out more.
My Facebook friend Carol wrote this on new year’s day, and it pretty much sums up exactly how I feel: Take some time to reflect on 2014 and what you achieved, what kindness you bestowed on others, what lessons you learnt, and what challenges you overcame or are still struggling with. Then take your confidence and self-esteem and use it to make the changes you want to or need to. Move forward in 2015 with love in your heart and a smile on your face, knowing that you can achieve and change whatever you wish.
We all make our own choices; choose wisely and never regret the ones you make.
Amidst all the loveliness, the holiday season was almost ruined for my friend Sue after four thugs attacked her two sons on their way home from Christmas Eve festivities. Six hours in A&E, x-rays, brain scans and a whole lot of bruising later, the boys went home in time to suck their way through their Christmas dinner. I’m pleased to report that they’re fine now, but the insidious people who carried out this unprovoked attack are still at large and I wish them a horrible 2015.
To everyone else, I wish you peace, love, happiness and success. Thank you for reading during 2014; I’m very grateful for your unswerving support and encouragement. Once, when I was working in Hamleys, I served Phil Oakey; he gives good advice… ‘Take time to see the wonders of the world, to see the things you’ve only ever heard of. Dream life the way you think it ought to be…’
Don’t forget to follow your dreams. And you can follow me here, too: @WeekendWitch. Have a wonderful, happy new year!! Xx
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