Filling the O2 for the last leg of their world tour, Fleetwood Mac had 20,000 people on their feet belting out the lyrics to The Chain. I own a lot of music – including a couple of hundred original albums on vinyl, but Rumours remains my all-time favourite. And I can remember very clearly the first time I heard it. It was 1986, in a tiny hotel in a quiet and uninspired corner of Minorca. We’d booked last minute and my boyfriend had taken a huge cassette player – but forgotten the cassettes! (Some of my younger followers are confused by this prehistoric language…) So all we had was the one tape already in the machine – Rumours! We played it continuously for the whole week and it firmly established itself as key in the soundtrack to my life.
But even more than her music, Stevie Nicks’ style blew me away. Watching her twirling around the stage on Tuesday like a girl on the edge of seventeen, it was very hard to believe she’s actually a woman of 65. I am determined that the next 20 years will see me grow old as gracefully as she has. (But without the cocaine addiction, of course.)
I always choose nice clothes when I’m working. At the last networking event I attended, several people commented that I looked glamorous and brought colour to an early morning business meeting. That was nice. But outside of work my wardrobe is crammed full of chiffon layered skirts and floaty gypsy-type dresses, with dangling lace and delicate beading. There’s a Jewish word that describes the flowing streams of silk and braiding that surround Stevie Nicks – and, often, me – shlorums!!
Stevie’s black net skirt and trademark platform boots could have come straight from my bedroom, I’m actually wearing something almost identical today. The black satin ribbons bouncing around her tambourine also resembled something I like to stick in my hair. (Not on training days!)
So, a quarter of a century after Dale first introduced me to Mick Fleetwood and co, the mystical female lead is still hugely influential on me. Although I can confirm that I’ve never been tempted to go blonde. You may not know this, but rumours abound that Stevie Nicks is a witch, something she vehemently denies. Her record label is Welsh Witch, which isn’t far off Weekend Witch, so maybe we have more in common that simply a love of shlorums!
It’s rare that I wake up sad but something had upset me on the morning of the concert. I was very happy by the evening though; and her words are good advice to anyone who sometimes needs a bit of motivation. “If you wake up and don’t want to smile, if it takes just a little while; open your eyes and look at the day – you’ll see things in a different way. Don’t stop, thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here! It’ll be better than before – yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.”
What are you doing tomorrow? Forward planning is invaluable in business. If you need help planning your social media strategy, marketing or simply planning to manage your time better, come and chat: @WeekendWitch
Thanks to for sharing the lovely pic.
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