My Celebrity Diary is a fantastic new platform that brings together the never-ending stream of celebrity content into one convenient social media newsfeed. It’s a godsend for celebrity stalkers like my brother-in-law David, who currently chases around Facebook, twitter and YouTube to make sure he doesn’t miss anything from his ‘best friend’ Billy Joel.
MCD allows you to personalise your newsfeed so that you get everything immediately it happens, wherever the hot news stems from. It’s such a fun site, and it’s been brilliant working with the team to help get it up and running. Isn’t it great when you get to work on a really exciting project from the ground up?! I love it love it love it!!
Lawrence and Joanne who created MCD also run a hugely successful business in text communications. They’ve won countless awards – the ones I can remember include the Daily Telegraph’s Trailblazers Award Scheme as one of the UK’s leading business, BETT ICT Company of the Year Award 2012 and the Leadership and Management Award 2013. And Jo makes the absolute best toblerone mousse…
The last time I worked with them was my Bob Geldof day – still one of my top jobs!! Dressing up, spending the day with one of my heroes, being starry-eyed – who could ask for more than that…?
Another highlight this week was a trip around Kew Gardens. Never having visited before I’d been looking forward to it for ages. Lesson learned… If I go again it certainly won’t be in heels! I wasn’t confident enough to do the treetop walkway in those shoes – but a day out with networking buddies doesn’t lend itself to clompy wrangler boots or red converses. We also somehow missed the beautiful greenhouses – too busy talking and eating. So another visit is definitely on the cards.
On a personal note, this weekend marked the fifth anniversary of my son’s stroke. Five years. I can’t decide if they are five long years or five short ones. At some point time becomes irrelevant. Things happen in life that change us, and how we adapt to, and cope with those changes shapes our character and our dreams in ways we could never previously have imagined.
I’ve said before that Oli deserved the Inspirational Mother and Son Award far more than I did, and I stand by that. He’s carving out an incredible future for himself at university, as is Ben, and I couldn’t be prouder. They’ll both do great things – they aim high. I always talk about setting realistic goals in business and, actually, life should be no different. I currently aspire to climbing the treetop walkway at the Royal Botanical Gardens…
My day out reminded me of this. ‘I once met a man with a sense of adventure, he was dressed to thrill wherever he went. He said: Let’s make love on a mountain top, under the stars on a big hard rock. I said: In these shoes? I don’t think so.’
You won’t find me up trees or on mountain tops this week. I’m mainly training people in Essex and Dockands. Or you can find me here, as always: @WeekendWitch.
Songwriters: Glenister, McColl, Correa, Lastie, Clarkin.
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