Attending the opera is one of the cultural highlights of my year. Drapers’ Hall must surely be one of the most beautiful secrets in London; its plush avante-garde décor and sparkling crystal chandeliers providing an elegance that I attempt to uphold. So I’m pleased to report that I managed to get through the evening without dropping a canapé down my bra, like last time. Didn’t even trip down the stairs, get celebrity stalky or anything like that.
Don Giovanni is recognised as one of the world’s greatest operas. Mozart tells the tale of a rich, arrogant and sexually promiscuous man who abuses and outrages everyone he meets. He sleeps with all the women, murders men he doesn’t like and generally upsets a whole town without even trying too hard. Know anyone like that? Hopefully not… It all ends in tears!
On a happier note, Liz and I met someone involved in medical research that’s helping to identify reasons for a stroke when the doctors can’t diagnose a cause. A new piece of medical equipment is currently being tested on children, so that’s a huge leap forward in our work to diagnose and treat childhood stroke quickly. Huge thanks to The Stroke Association for inviting me to their lovely event.
In complete contrast to the sophistication of the opera, I spent Friday afternoon at the Best of Britannia exhibition in Clerkenwell. Equally decadent, but in a funky, pulled pork kind of way. This celebration of British fashion, design and manufacturing saw 180-ish businesses displaying their wares against the backdrop of the iconic Farmiloe Building. Gorgeous clothing, ceramic cat-shaped lamps, delicate jewellery, expensive glassware, hand-made hats (you know I like those!!) and accessories, all presented over five floors of a Victorian architectural dream.
I was invited by Chris, one of my newer social media clients. We’ve only known each other a few weeks but he guessed (correctly) that I’d love it. Even without the exhibitors, I loved being in that environment. The structure of the building is intact and full of Victorian character. The section housing the original offices is so well preserved that it’s often used as a film set. We walked with trepidation through the corridors of Batman’s police station in the Dark Knight trilogy then peered through the same windows as Mr Selfridge’s secretary.
Food and drinks were on offer from the second we crossed the threshold. Correction, free food and drink. I discovered that I no longer like whisky – too many years of enjoying pink wine, I guess. I’d never tasted gin before but the Boodles’ boys tempted me over with their smooth talking and even smoother liquor. With a flick of a pink grapefruit and a splash of tonic (never tasted that before either), I made myself at home in the 1920s while Chris chatted about how my social media services have helped him bring his business into the 21st century.
It was all very good fun. The evening continued with live music into the small hours but I couldn’t stay to dance. Not this time. And anyway, three thimblefuls of the hard stuff were probably enough for me. As Mr Mclean asked, ‘Do you believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul? And can you teach me how to dance real slow?’ Them good old boys may have been drinking whisky and rye but I headed home for a social media catch up.
I’m running a few 121 training sessions over the coming weeks and have five slots left before Christmas. If you’re interested in personalised training please get in touch – 020 8551 7077, or right here, as always: @WeekendWitch.
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