Beyond social media – from chocolate shops to accessing a GP or therapist today.
Whether or not total lockdown ends soon, and whether or not you believe the decisions taken by government are for the right reasons, the simple fact is that business goes on either way. Fortunately, I’m delighted that the businesses within my social circles and networking communities have – on the whole – survived so far and most are thriving.
My clients’ social media is just as active as in “the old world” – with some putting in more investment to ensure they’re ready to soar again once lockdown does eventually end properly.
It’s been interesting to see what kinds of businesses each government around the world has deemed “essential” throughout the lockdown, and which they’re planning to reopen next. In France, chocolate shops have remained open, in Australia toy shops made the list and – perhaps surprisingly – in America, some states deemed gun shops as essential! Spanish hairdressers continued to work throughout – I must admit that I miss mine, and not just because she’s been my friend for over 40 years!
So it’s been a natural step throughout these past few weeks of our reliance on the Internet to keep social media marketing at the forefront of business activities. But what about other aspects of business? And what about our health, wealth, sanity and hapiness?
Financial Planning
The info about chocolate shops, toy stores and guns comes from the office of one of the Times’ Top 100 Financial Advisors of 2019. Andrzej Borkowski is a Chartered Wealth Manager who explains very nicely in plain English what financial planning in these uncertain times actually means, without the financial gobbledygook. Click here to read Andrzej’s full article and link to some useful downloads.
Keeping your team happy and healthy
pirkx is a benefit scheme that’s open to everyone! You don’t need a minimum number of employed staff to join – it’s open to contractors, groups and individuals, and you can access an incredible range of benefits from only £45 per person, per year. There’s no catch.
Benefits that are particularly relevant right now include 24/7 access to a GP, as well as a counsellor and discounted virtual gym membership. It’s more important than ever to maintain everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing, and this is a fabulous way to do that. There are hundreds of other benefits too – many of which will put a smile on your team’s faces while they’re still housebound, and loads to look forward to for afterwards. Click here to find out more.
Hope that’s useful!
If you need support with your social media marketing, I’m here of course – still locked down at present with Merlin, my ragdoll cat, so please do get in touch if I can help in any way.
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